Monnet Cognac
Since 1838, Monnet has been one of the historical signatures of Cognac.
Primary Appellation: J. G. Monnet
Varietals: Ugni blanc, Folle blanche, Colombard
Since its founding in 1838, Monnet has been one of the historical signatures of Cognac. It lived through its glory and peril, its History and the small events that made Cognac an outstanding product. Its leaders were often innovators, real visionaries. Such was the case of its founder, Jean-Gabriel Monnet, who quickly developed his company and built revolutionary cellars in Cognac. So was his son, Jean Monnet, who was also one of the founding fathers of the European Union. His openness to the world was a family legacy. Cognac is a bright way of bringing peoples together by celebrating a certain “art de vivre”. At the heart of Monnet Cognac is a devotion to transmitting traditions, but also the will to innovate, to push the limits and go further and further in quality.
Although the salamander is an animal, it is also a mythological creature which was allegedly capable of withstanding flames. In many cultures, it represents the myth of immortality, mastering fire and time. King Francis 1st, who was born in Cognac, chose the salamander as a symbol, which is why one will find it abundantly represented at Chambord Castle alongside the motto “Nutrisco et Extinguo” (I feed on fire and extinguish fire).
Monnet made it its emblem since its creation almost two centuries ago as the salamander perfectly embodies its values: the power to last and the one to create, the sacred fire and the consistency. The salamander symbolises Monnet’s dedication to offer Cognac aged until they fully thrive, warm, smooth yet powerful Cognac. It also embodies a certain point of view of the Cognac business, made of audacity and creation.